
Club Activities

Club Activities


The college encourages students to participate in different club activities to develop social skills, cultural skills, communication skills and co-curricular skills which in turn helps students in overall development.

        LOGIC : Logic club ensures to prepare students in the aptitude test. Aptitude tests often carry significant weight in entrance exams. A high score in this section can positively impact overall result and increase chances of securing admission in desired PG program /Job entrance . Aptitude tests evaluate critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills. These are essential attributes for success in higher education and professional life. Preparation for these tests enhances ability to analyze complex problems and derive solutions efficiently.



The Cultural Club plays a vital role in fostering a sense of awareness among students regarding significant national and international events.

Organizing Events: Cultural Club focuses on current national and international issues and provides platforms for discussions, debates, and knowledge-sharing sessions, enabling students to gain insights into diverse perspectives on important topics.

Celebrating National and International Days: The Cultural Club celebrates national and international days, such as Independence Day, Republic Day, Earth Day, World Health Day, etc. These celebrations often include informative presentations, cultural performances, and interactive activities that highlight the significance of these events and their impact on society.

Hosting Awareness Campaigns: The Cultural Club initiates and participates in awareness campaigns on pressing issues, including environmental conservation, social justice, gender equality, and human rights. Through creative campaigns and outreach activities, students are sensitized to the challenges and responsibilities associated with these issues at both national and global levels.



The Current Affairs and General Knowledge Club serves as a platform for students to stay updated with the latest happenings and broaden their understanding of various subjects.

Regular Meetings: The club conducts regular meetings where members discuss recent news, current affairs, and general knowledge topics. These meetings may include presentations, group discussions, quizzes, and debates to facilitate active participation and knowledge exchange among members.

News Analysis Sessions: Members analyze news articles, editorials, and opinion pieces to understand different perspectives on key issues. They learn to critically evaluate information, identify reliable sources, and discern between fact and opinion, enhancing their analytical and reasoning skills.

Debates and Mock Discussions: Members engage in debates, mock discussions, and role-playing activities to explore multiple viewpoints on contentious issues. These activities encourage critical thinking, public speaking, and argumentation skills, fostering intellectual growth and confidence among participants.

Competitions and Quizzes: The club organizes competitions, quizzes, and trivia contests based on current affairs, general knowledge, and thematic topics. These events not only motivate members to stay updated but also encourage healthy competition and camaraderie among participants.



The Ecology Club plays a pivotal role in promoting environmental awareness and sustainability within the college campus.

Tree Plantation Drives: The Ecology Club organizes tree plantation drives within the college premises and surrounding areas. Members collaborate with faculty, staff, and students to plant indigenous trees, shrubs, and flowering plants, thereby enhancing biodiversity and green cover.

Garden Maintenance: The club takes responsibility for maintaining existing gardens and green spaces on campus. Members regularly water, prune, and weed garden beds to ensure the healthy growth of plants and flowers. They may also introduce composting initiatives to recycle organic waste and enrich soil fertility.


Waste Management Initiatives: The Ecology Club advocates for responsible waste management practices within the college community. Members promote recycling, composting, and waste reduction strategies to minimize environmental impact and conserve natural resources.

Green Infrastructure Projects: The club collaborates with college administration to implement green infrastructure projects, such as rainwater harvesting systems, solar panels, and green roofs. These initiatives not only enhance environmental sustainability but also contribute to energy efficiency and climate resilience.



The Debate Club serves as a platform for students to hone their public speaking, critical thinking, and argumentation skills through structured debates and discussions

Regular Meetings: The club holds regular meetings where members gather to discuss debate topics, practice speaking, and refine their arguments. These meetings provide opportunities for members to exchange ideas, receive feedback, and improve their debating techniques.

Topic Selection: The club selects debate topics covering a wide range of current affairs, social issues, and academic subjects. Members have the opportunity to propose and vote on topics, ensuring relevance and interest to the debate participants.

Research and Preparation: Before debates, members conduct research on assigned topics, gather evidence, and formulate arguments to support their positions. They learn to critically evaluate sources, analyze data, and construct persuasive arguments based on facts and logic.

Public Speaking Training: The club provides public speaking training and coaching to help members improve their delivery, voice modulation, and body language. Members practice speaking in front of their peers, receive constructive feedback, and work on overcoming stage fright or nervousness.

Adjudication and Feedback: Debate club incharges acting as judges adjudicate debates and provide feedback on participants' performance. This feedback helps members identify strengths and areas for improvement, guiding their ongoing development as debaters.


        Share your Story:

A "Share Your Story" session provides students with a platform to express themselves, share their personal experiences, and connect with others on a deeper level.

Introduction: The session begins with an introduction by faculty, explaining the purpose of the session and setting the tone for open and respectful sharing.

Guidelines: Clear guidelines are established to create a safe and supportive environment for sharing. These guidelines may include respecting confidentiality, active listening, avoiding judgment or interruptions, and allowing everyone an equal opportunity to speak.

Voluntary Participation: Students are invited to volunteer to share their stories, experiences, or reflections on a given theme or topic. Student is entirely voluntary, and members are encouraged to share at their own comfort level.

Themes or Prompts: Depending on the focus of the session, specific themes, prompts, or discussion topics may be provided to guide storytelling. These themes could relate to personal challenges, triumphs, growth experiences, cultural identity, or any other relevant aspect of members' lives.

Active Listening: During the sharing process, other students practice active listening, showing empathy, support, and understanding towards the speaker. Nonverbal cues such as nodding, eye contact, and attentive body language convey respect and engagement.

Reflection and Discussion: After each story is shared, there may be an opportunity for reflection and discussion among students. This could involve sharing reactions, insights, or relating personal experiences to the themes presented.

Closing Remarks: The session concludes with closing remarks from the faculty, thanking participants for their openness and vulnerability in sharing their stories. Any resources, support services, or follow-up actions related to the themes discussed may also be provided.

Follow-Up Support: Students are encouraged to continue the conversation and offer support to one another beyond the session. This could include connecting with peers for further discussion, seeking additional resources or guidance, or accessing support networks within the organization.


        Mirror Activity

A mirror activity is an excellent method for improving body language and communication skills as it allows individuals to observe and adjust their nonverbal cues in real-Create webpage content here

  • Ecology Club