

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) serves as a vital component of a higher education institution's quality assurance mechanisms. Its primary purpose is to ensure continuous improvement in the quality of education, teaching-learning processes, and overall institutional performance. Here are the key purposes of IQAC:

1.    Quality Enhancement: The IQAC is responsible for developing and implementing quality enhancement strategies and initiatives to enhance the overall quality of education and academic programs offered by the institution.

2.    Accreditation and Assessment: IQAC plays a crucial role in preparing the institution for accreditation processes by accrediting agencies. It facilitates the collection, analysis, and dissemination of data related to academic and administrative processes, ensuring compliance with accreditation standards and criteria.

3.    Monitoring and Evaluation: IQAC monitors various aspects of institutional functioning, including curriculum delivery, faculty performance, student outcomes, infrastructure, and support services. It conducts periodic evaluations and assessments to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

4.    Promotion of Best Practices: IQAC promotes the adoption of best practices in teaching, learning, research, and governance within the institution. It facilitates the sharing of innovative ideas, pedagogical approaches, and administrative practices among faculty, staff, and stakeholders.

5.    Quality Culture Development: IQAC fosters a culture of quality consciousness and academic excellence among all stakeholders, including faculty, staff, students, and administrators. It promotes a shared commitment to continuous improvement and excellence in all aspects of institutional functioning.

6.    Feedback and Stakeholder Engagement: IQAC collects feedback from various stakeholders, including students, alumni, employers, and the community, to assess their satisfaction levels and expectations. It uses this feedback to make informed decisions and improve services and programs.

7.    Capacity Building: IQAC facilitates capacity building initiatives for faculty and staff to enhance their professional development, teaching effectiveness, research capabilities, and administrative skills. It organizes workshops, seminars, training programs, and other professional development activities to support continuous learning and growth.

8.    Quality Assurance Documentation: IQAC maintains comprehensive documentation related to quality assurance processes, policies, procedures, and outcomes. It ensures transparency, accountability, and integrity in all quality assurance activities and documentation.

9.    External Collaboration and Networking: IQAC collaborates with external agencies, professional bodies, and other institutions to benchmark its practices, share experiences, and seek guidance for quality enhancement. It actively participates in national and international networks and initiatives related to quality assurance in higher education.

IQAC Committee

1.     B Madhavi – Lecturer in English  - Coordinator

2.     M Jyothi - Lecturer in English -  Member

3.     SwapnaPriya SR - Lecturer in Commerce – Member

4.     T Vandana - Lecturer in Computer Science  - Member

5.      S Sravanthi – Lecturer in Commerce – Member

6.     P Srivani  - Lecturer in Business Administration – Member

7.     S Swetha – Lecturer in Business Administration – Member

8.     K Swathi - Lecturer in Commerce – Member

Collaborative Initiatives.pdf ( Meeting minutes.pdf